Our Story
The story behind becoming the number one high quality extension provider in Toronto.

About Monica Neish
The Weave Whisperer
At 15, a part time job after school at a local hair salon specializing in hair extensions launched her love affair for hair.
Monica has travelled the world to study the art of extending your hair. From Paris to Spain and Amsterdam to Japan, she has trained with the worlds masters to learn the many techniques in the trade.
After arriving in Toronto in 2002, Monica was asked to become the national educator for Balmain hair extensions. After several years of teaching she then began to turn her talents to television and adding hair extensions to celebrities. She has worked on set with Canadian Idol, So you think you can Dance and most recently I Do Redo with Jessica Mulroney. Monica has also been involved in many ad campaigns , such as Birks , Hello magazine and Oxygen Fitness as well as celebrity weddings.
Filling the Gap in the Hair Extension Market
How many hair extension companies have you purchased from? If you are like most of our clients - you have probably tried almost every single company out there. But there is no doubt that although hair extension companies are easy to come by - the product quality surely is not. With many of us investing in products we trusted only to find out the hair lasts a few months at best, it was time to put an end to this problem and give the ladies what they really need. Amazing quality hair extensions that truly lasts.
After tens of years in the field, Monica had all the knowledge she needed to fill this gap and provide women with a product they can really trust. Years of research and deep diving into the hair extension manufacturing world allowed Monica to find the perfect hair. Now she can proudly say her product is the highest quality you will ever find - so look no further!
Our Customers Are Our Roots
Neish Hair would not be where it is today without the incredible clientele acquired over the years. From those who have been with us since day one, to those who are discovering us today, we are thankful for each and every one of you.
It is Monica's whole-hearted passion to provide the best quality hair extensions in the world. This passion is driven by facing and witnessing the many poor quality products being provided on the market today. We are so proud to be able to provide you with a real solution. And we thank you for trusting us.
Why Choose Neish
Passion drives our business. Passion to provide the best quality hair to thousands of women who have been searching for the solution. Passion to give women the confidence they deserve to have. There is no doubt Monica puts her entire heart into her business, which is what makes her one of the most transparent and trusted entrepreneurs.
Choose Neish for quality. Choose Neish for longevity. Choose Neish to be your life-long hair extension provider.